TTD and MFT: Tango and the Gender Perspective

In October, l@s Trabajadores@s del Tango-Danza together with the MFT "Movimiento Feminista de Tango" carry out a series of free talks and trainings, among other projects. On this occasion, two meetings will be held, on October 19 and 26, to address the gender perspective from the perspective of tango.

In two meetings they propose to make a brief tour of the following points:

- What do we mean when we talk about gender perspective in tango?

- Application of this perspective to all areas.

- Protocol of action against violence in Tangueros spaces.

- Rethink traditions, dynamics and codes with these new tools.

- Gender perspective applied to tango technique and in education.

- Why is it necessary to know it and to implement it each one from their own spaces?


TTD and MFT: Tango and the Gender Perspective