Culture of Care

The Ministry of Culture of the Nation, through the Secretariat of Cultural Development, together with the different chambers, organizations and groups representing the different sectors that are part of the cultural industries, developed in an articulated manner, general protocols for the return of activities following strict standards of care and prevention.
Each of the protocols was approved by the Superintendence of Labor Risks according to the protection and prevention measures arising from the recommendations of the WHO, the National Ministry of Health and other competent actors.
The following are the protocols for milongas, practices and tango classes that guarantee a respectful and careful return of the activities.



Adhere to the present protocol:
AFTT, Asamblea Federal de Trabajadores del Tango (Federal Assembly of Tango Workers)
Agrupación de Milongas y Organizadores del Oeste (Association of Milongas and Organizers of the West)
Association of Milonga Organizers:
Agrupación Tango Zona Norte
Today Milonga
Tangobazar, El Tangauta
Movement of Tango Dancers 2020
Association of Milongas with Social Sense
Movimiento Feminista de Tango
UTCIT Unión de Trabajadores de Calzado e Indumentaria de Tango (Union of Tango Footwear and Clothing Workers)
Milorga Milongas Organized Argentine Milongas
SGT Sindicato Guitarrero del Tango
Tango Contempo
Tango New Tendencies
Voces Unidas del Tango
ACT, Assembly of Tango Collectives
Abrazo Abierto
Movimiento Feminist de Tango, Southern Suburbs
Aires del Sur
Cambalache Civil Association
Tango Danza Buenos Aires Council
National Tango Network

Table of Contents

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Disaffected personnel. Risk group
4. General Guidelines
5. Organization of milongas, practices and tango classes.
6. Location of the audience
7. Turns, income, and circulation
8. Live musicians
9. Ventilation
10. Preventive measures for the treatment and disposal of PPE waste.
11. Gastronomy
12. Action in the presence of signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19.
13. Action for personnel with "Close Contact" with people who are "Suspicious Cases".
14. Action to be taken in the presence of a positive case of COVID-19.
15. Measures for a correct use of face mask
16. Protocol control measures
17. Useful Emergency Telephone Numbers


This protocol, prepared by the Secretariat of Cultural Development of the Ministry of Culture of the Nation and the Superintendence of Labor Risks together with the sectorial organizations, aims at promoting the gradual return of milongas, tango practices and tango classes within a dynamic and changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the prevention of transmission of this disease among organizers, dancers and attendants.
milongas, tango practices and tango classes within a dynamic and changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic, guaranteeing the prevention of transmission of this disease among organizers, dancers and attendees.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to regulate the prevention measures to carry out the gradual return of milongas, tango practices and tango classes in open and closed spaces in the territory of the Argentine Republic, so that organizers, dancers and attendees can minimize the risk of acquisition and dissemination of COVID-19.

Tango and its milongas are for Argentina, synonyms of its cultural identity, recognized not only locally but also worldwide; they are an icon of the artistic expression of Buenos Aires.

The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations for the appropriate epidemiological management of a suspect case and its close contacts, and in the presence of a positive case.
appropriate epidemiological management in the detection of a suspect case and its close contacts, and in the presence of a positive case.
The rules and/or recommendations set forth in this document may be expanded or modified in accordance with changes in the
changes in the epidemiological situation and any other suggestions made by the Competent Jurisdictional Authorities.
Competent Jurisdictional Authorities.

2. Scope

The provisions herein established are of obligatory compliance for any human or juridical person that performs activities related to the organization of milongas, practices or tango classes.
activities related to the organization of milongas, practices or tango classes.

3. Disenrolled personnel. Risk Group

Within the list of personnel carrying out the present activity, the following are exempted from the duty of attendance at the workplace, according to the provisions of the National Executive Power, through Resolution No. 207/2020 of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, article 1
of Labor, Employment and Social Security of the Nation, article 1°, the following persons included in the risk groups and those whose presence at home is indispensable for the care of the child or adolescent, namely:

a. Workers over sixty (60) years of age, unless they are considered "essential personnel for the proper functioning of the establishment.
for the proper functioning of the establishment". All workers in the health sector shall be considered "essential personnel".

b. Pregnant workers.

c. Workers included in the risk groups defined by the national health authority.

These groups, in accordance with the definition in effect to date, are as follows:

Chronic respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], congenital emphysema, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis and moderate or severe asthma.

Cardiac diseases: heart failure, coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease and congenital heart disease.
Diabetics, people with chronic renal insufficiency on dialysis or with expectations of entering dialysis in the next six months.

People with obesity class Ill.

General guidelines

In case of presenting any symptoms compatible with suspicion of Covid-19 infection, do not attend the activity, do not self-medicate, inform your superior immediately and follow the measures established in the section ACTION TO BE TAKEN IN THE PRESENCE OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS COMPATIBLE WITH COVID-19.

It is mandatory (both for the organizers and for third parties) the use of protective elements that cover nose, mouth and chin to enter or remain in the place of the activity.

To effectively reduce the development of microorganisms on the hands, hand washing with soap and water should last at least 40-60 seconds.

In case you do not have access to soap and water: hand hygiene with alcohol-based solutions (e.g. alcohol gel), lasting 20-30 seconds. It is important to do it frequently, above all:

Before and after eating or handling food.

Before and after handling garbage or waste.

After touching public surfaces: counters, handrails, doorknobs, railings, etc.
After handling money, keys, animals, etc.

After going to the bathroom.

Adequate respiratory hygiene: respiratory hygiene refers to preventive measures to avoid the spread of secretions when coughing or sneezing.
of secretions when coughing or sneezing. This is especially important when people have signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as colds or flu:

Cover the nose and mouth with the inside bend of the elbow or use a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. Discard immediately.

Use the nearest trash can to dispose of used tissues.

Hygiene hands after coughing or sneezing.

Appropriate procedures will be established depending on whether the activity is outdoors or indoors and the dissemination of the actions to be implemented, in addition to training personnel on the procedures and prevention measures implemented, and this Protocol.
implemented, and the present Protocol.

Posters, electronic media, personal notifications, alarms, signs or any other system that allows disseminating the measures implemented shall be used. See ANNEX III.

A sufficient amount of PPE must be provided to the personnel involved in the activity, ensuring its replacement with the corresponding frequency.

5. Organization of milonga, practices and tango classes.

The restarting of activities will require a minimum and indispensable number of attendants and personnel.

For the realization of tango classes, the following protocol and PROTOCOL FOR IN-PROFESSION DANCE ACTIVITIES will apply

The organizers of milongas/tango practices and tango classes must establish shifts according to the limit of the public allowed, and with previous registration of the attendees.

All persons must complete an Affidavit of Health (See APPENDIX II) stating that they have no symptoms related to COVID-19.

The physical space determined for the development of the activity must be delimited.

Only cohabiting couples or tango couples who systematically dance together will be allowed to attend.

It is mandatory to change from street shoes to dance shoes on site.

The minimum personal distance of 1.5 meters in open spaces and 2.0 meters in enclosed spaces must be respected at all times, with the exception of dancing couples at the time of the dance.

Partner changes may not be made at any time.

Remind participants of the importance of NOT talking while dancing: an important feature of tango dancing, now indispensable.

Do not talk to dancers moving around the dance floor, only talk quietly and always with a mask on (nose, mouth, chin) and respecting the social distance.

Carry water for personal consumption without exchanging glasses or any type of objects for personal use.

It is the responsibility of the organizers to ensure that the safety distances between the dancing couples are respected.
Both the organizers and the dancers or assistants must wear face shields that cover the nose, mouth and chin (mask or chinstrap), and may not remove them at any time.

It is suggested that the spaces corresponding to each couple be demarcated or marked on the dance floor in order to maintain a safe distance.

Shifts will have a maximum duration of 2 hours, leaving 30 minutes between each shift to sanitize the elements used and ventilate the premises for the activity and for the change of attendants in order to avoid crowding.

In those cases in which the Jurisdictional Authority allows it, "social or work bubbles" may be formed, which are defined as those groups of people living together or couples who systematically dance together, who attend the establishment together. They shall be formed by a maximum of 6 members, and may share the same space and proximity, keeping the corresponding distance with other "social bubbles" and/or assistants.

Within these social bubbles, under the terms defined in point 5.17, the exchange of partners shall be allowed, and in such cases, the use of a face mask and alcohol gel shall be added prior to the exchange. This shall be in accordance with the regulations in force in the different jurisdictions where the activity is carried out.

6. Location of the public

The tables and/or chairs or non-dance space, on which the couples will be seated, must be located at a distance of 2.0 m between them and with respect to the dance floor.

It is recommended that the occupied seats be nominalized, either by digital or manual ticket issuance systems, as determined by the Jurisdictional Authority. In the latter case, it is recommended that a form be filled out at the ticket office with the following information on the person purchasing the tickets: name, last name, ID number, telephone number and assigned location. This will allow a quick identification of the close contacts of a possible positive case and will serve, at the same time, as a useful tool for public health authorities.

Whenever possible, it is recommended that tickets be sold through digital systems and/or the e-ticket system.

In case of having a face-to-face ticket purchase system, the following preventive measures must be taken into account:
box office

6.3.1. It is recommended to establish the adequacy of the workplace with transparent physical barriers and to establish a safety distance of 2.0 meters between people attending to the public, as well as between them and the attendants.

6.3.2 Markings shall be placed on the floor to ensure distance between customers queuing for ticket purchase/withdrawal.

6.3.3. Personal hygiene kits (70% alcohol solution, alcohol gel and disposable towels, as a minimum) shall be provided to personnel attending to the public.

6.3.4. The provision of a sanitizing station shall be guaranteed to the public prior to entering the space where the activities will take place.

Circulation sectors and/or corridors will be identified by groups, activities and places in order to favor physical distancing between people with a minimum of 2.0 meters, generating as much as possible differentiated circulation routes to avoid crossings. This includes: artists, technicians, production personnel, office personnel, public service personnel, assistants, etc.

The minimum distance of 2.0 meters between the front of the dance floor and stage and the first chair table or non-dance area where the audience is located must be respected.

In the event that "social or work bubbles" attend the space/milonga, as defined in items 5.17 and 5.18, their members may be placed in adjacent seats. The minimum separation between "social or work bubbles" shall be 1.5 meters in open-air spaces and 2.0 meters in covered spaces, and they shall wear chinstraps at all times inside the space.

7. Shifts, income, and circulation

In the event of more than one shift per day, the entrance and exit of the public between performances must be done with a prudential time of alternation, which may not be less than 30 minutes. Admission shall only take place once the premises for the activity has been completely vacated.

Ventilation is required to allow for air exchange of no less than 30 minutes, as well as total cleaning and disinfection of the space prior to the start of the new shift.

A place for sanitization of the general public must be guaranteed before entering the establishment.

Upon entering the space, public attendees must show the current Health Affidavit (See ANNEX II) or any other form that replaces it (online form, CuidAR App or equivalent system). Temperature control will be carried out on all those entering the venue and no attendee will be allowed to enter with a temperature equal to or higher than 37.5° C at the time of the control. Attendees will agree not to attend the activity in case of suspicion and/or diagnosis of COVID-19 or contact with a person with a confirmed result.
confirmed result.

Conditions of permanence. It will be a condition of admission, entry and permanence in the space to comply with the mandatory use of masks/beard permanently, and with the control and prevention measures provided in the
the facilities.

Entrances and exits for the public. Circulation must respect the social distancing of 1.5 meters in open air spaces and 2.0 meters in covered spaces, and the organization of people according to the capacity established by the jurisdictional authority. The following form of organization is suggested:

Admission/egress by location groups (similar to aircraft boarding guidelines).
It is recommended to establish entry times in order to avoid first-come, first-served entry.
Establish different entry times for the public, differentiated from workers, artists, etc.

After hours admission: The participants of the practices will not be allowed to enter after 15 minutes of the reserved time. After that time, they will only participate as spectators. In exceptional cases, an assigned space may be provided for late arrivals, but they may not be part of the work bubbles.

Before the beginning of each milonga, practice or class, it is suggested to transmit to the audience the main prevention and hygiene guidelines, if possible by means of a previously recorded message.

Circulation on the dance floor. In order to respect the necessary distances on the dance floor, the diameter of circles shall be demarcated on the floor of the dance floor.

For outdoor spaces: Each circle will have a surface of 7,065 m2. The number of circles will depend on the total surface of the dance floor, but always respecting the circle surface of 7.065 m2 (Radius of 1.50 m). The number of couples that can dance at the same time will be equal to the number of available circles minus one.

For Indoor Spaces: The distance between circles shall be 2.0 m, the radius of which shall be 2 m each.
Dancing couples must respect the counterclockwise circulation and without exception may advance and change circles only when the circle next to their position is completely empty. Couples may only exchange partners between members of the same social or work bubble, although each couple will remain in a different circle.

Access to and removal from the court. They may enter the court when the circle closest to their table or chair is empty, always respecting the 2.0 m social distance. To withdraw from the rink, once the round is over, the pairs must respect the counterclockwise circulation and, without exception, may advance and change circles only when the circle next to their position is completely empty. They may leave the court when they are at the point of circulation closest to their table or chair. The organizer may also define a number or turns for the access or withdrawal to the track.
access or withdrawal to the track.

General capacity. On the other hand, it is recommended that the general capacity of milongas, practice or dance schools in enclosed spaces should not exceed 50% of their total authorized capacity.

The capacity of the milongas/tango practices and tango classes in open-air spaces will be limited to 1 person per 4 square meters according to the space provided.

In any case, the provisions of each Jurisdictional Authority shall be taken into account.

These capacity limitations will be subject to the resolution of each Jurisdiction.

7.11. Transfers and transportation of workers, participants, equipment and mobility.
Regarding the use of public transportation, the regulations in force at the time of the activity in each jurisdiction shall be observed. Participants are encouraged to walk or use their own vehicles or bicycles.
vehicles or bicycles.
In case of using vehicles, it is recommended to incorporate preventive measures for their use. The following are some suggestions:

Prevent shared use.

Disinfect before, during and after use (upholstery, steering wheel, gear lever, keys, dashboards, interiors, doorknobs, opening handles, locks, handrails, seat belts and all surfaces in direct contact with the vehicle).

Ventilating naturally and permanently during circulation.

Transit with as few people as possible. One person per row of seats is recommended.

8. Live musicians

For the development of the Musical Activity, the present protocol and the GENERAL PROTOCOL FOR THE MUSICAL ACTIVITY shall be applicable.

9. Ventilation

Ventilation of closed environments, especially in winter or at low temperatures, should be done regularly to allow air exchange. It is essential to ventilate (by opening doors and windows or with forced ventilation involving air exchange) the room before and after each activity, for at least 30 minutes. In the case of forced ventilation, filters, ducts and pipes should be cleaned, disinfected and checked as often as possible. In this regard, follow the guidelines defined by each Jurisdictional Authority for ventilation systems. As minimum ventilation recommendations, please refer to the Guide of general recommendations for ventilation and air conditioning systems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
available at: and at
Ventilation and COVID-19 in Industry fact sheet available at:

If there is no natural outdoor ventilation, renovations must be guaranteed by means of forced air injection and extraction and/or the missing renovations must be complemented with air recirculation by means of a filtering system according to the guidelines defined by the Jurisdictional Authority.

10. Preventive measures for the treatment and disposal of PPE wastes.

The following are some suggestions:
It is suggested to establish the provision of accumulation bags/baskets/containers for the discard of personal hygiene items (disposable paper towels, cleaning and disinfecting cloths, etc.), PPE and work clothes, of an individual nature.

Identification and signage of waste disposal sites.

Maintaining the cleanliness and disinfection of waste tanks.

Whenever waste is removed, use gloves (preferably disposable), respiratory protection (mouthpiece), face protection and, if possible, mechanical assistance to reduce contact with the waste.

In the event that the waste contains discarded PPE and work clothes, dispose of and manage them on a daily basis. It is recommended to double bag, disinfect the contents before closing, identify the contents (PPE and hygiene and disinfection
of the contents (PPE and waste hygiene and disinfection elements) and internal storage in a suitable place (Isolated) and properly marked, for at least SEVENTY TWO (72) hours until its definitive removal in a third bag.

11. Gastronomy

Those milongas/tango practices and tango classes that are authorized for gastronomic service shall respect the protocol related to such activity established by the National or Jurisdictional Government.

For the delivery and reception of merchandise, there should be no direct contact between the person delivering and receiving the merchandise (carts, crates, doors, grilles, belts, etc.), so that all possible risk is focused in one place/sector, which should be regularly disinfected.
risk in one place/sector, which should be regularly disinfected. It is suggested to delimit the loading and unloading areas, by means of signs, partitions, floor markings, etc.

12. Action to be taken in the presence of signs and symptoms compatible with

Assistance should be given to any person (self or others) who is inside the establishment and presents symptoms compatible with COVID-191. See AFICHE IX.

In the presence of a person with symptoms, the designated person in charge of the area and/or the worker should contact the telephone numbers indicated in each jurisdiction to follow the protocols of the Ministry of Health and each province .
Health of the Nation and of each province According to the type of contract established, report the situation to the Medical Service, the HR area and/or the area designated by the employer for such purposes.

All assisting personnel must use at least a mask or mouthpiece (according to point 5 of this Protocol), disposable gloves and goggles (or face mask in the case of not complying with the physical distance).

The person should be immediately isolated in a defined space, if possible with natural ventilation and conditioned for this purpose. A mask/cover-up should be worn.

In accordance with the recommendations and instructions of the health authority, it is suggested to relieve the personnel in contact with the suspected COVID-19 case and send them home in order to apply the provisions of paragraph 1. For further information, it is suggested to review the guidelines established by the National Health Authority available at the following website:


Disinfect the sector(s) where the person was and/or transited within the establishment. The personnel in charge of cleaning and disinfection shall use the following PPE: mask, eye protection, face protection, disposable overalls, and disposable gloves.
and disposable gloves.

Organize the transfer of the person to the place of isolation recommended by the health authority.

Until there is a negative result of the analysis performed, medical discharge, or until the person has complied with the requirements established by each Jurisdictional Authority (e.g. 14-day preventive isolation), he/she should not enter the establishment.

13. Action to be taken by personnel with "Close Contact" with persons who are "Suspected Cases" or have medical confirmation of having contracted COVID-19.

Workers in "close contact" with persons with medical confirmation of having contracted COVID-19 will be authorized to leave the establishment immediately, discouraging public transportation as far as possible, and will be instructed to contact the Health System of their jurisdiction as a matter of urgency.
The person in the situation described in the previous paragraph will be exempted from attending the activities until the result of confirmation of the suspected case is obtained. In case of a negative result, the persons who were close contacts will be able to resume normal activities. In case the diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed, they should comply with the isolation indicated and any other requirement established by the competent Health Authority, prior to returning to the activity. Likewise, the following must be presented again
the Health Affidavit (See ANNEX II).

The Jurisdictional Health Authority will determine the complementary measures to be followed for persons who had direct contact with the possible case of COVID-19.

14. Action to be taken in the presence of a positive case of COVID-19

If a positive case of COVID-19 is confirmed, whether it is an employee of the area or a participant in the activity, the following actions shall be taken immediately to guarantee the health of the personnel and to allow the continuity of the area's activity as soon as possible.
of the area's activity as soon as possible.

First Step:

a. Immediately notify the competent Health Authorities of the National and/or Provincial Ministry of Health.

b. In accordance with the recommendations and instructions of the health authority, it is suggested to relieve the personnel in contact with the COVID-19 positive case and send them home, avoiding the use of public transportation as much as possible, in order to apply the provisions of the section ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY PERSONNEL WITH "STRICT CONTACT" WITH PERSONS WHO ARE "SUSPECTED CASES" OR HAVE MEDICAL CONFIRMATION OF HAVING CONTACTED COVID-19.

The total cleaning and disinfection of the area and surfaces with which the person had contact shall be carried out immediately, so as to allow, as far as possible, the resumption of activities in the shortest possible time.
person had contact with, so as to allow, as far as possible, the resumption of activities in the shortest possible time.
This cleaning and disinfection shall be carried out with products and disinfectants approved by the health authority or with a sodium hypochlorite solution containing 1000 ppm of active chlorine (approximate dilution of 50 parts of water and one part of bleach with 55(Cl/L prepared at the time).

Personnel in charge of cleaning and disinfection will use the following PPE:

Mask or face shield, as appropriate
Eye protection
Face protection
Disposable coverall
Disposable gloves

If a cleaning and disinfection company is contracted, require a protocol for COVID-19 and that it completes an auditable record of the implementation of the measures carried out.

If the contagion occurred in the work environment of an employee of the space, it must be reported to the ART, together with the diagnosis confirmed by a duly authorized entity, in accordance with the provisions of DNU No. 367/2020 and Resolution SRT No. 38/2020.

Second step:

Once the completion of the total cleaning and disinfection of the area has been verified and accredited in the corresponding registry, the way to resume the tasks (work groups, shifts, etc.) must be communicated and agreed upon in accordance with the provisions or requests of the National or Jurisdictional Health Authority at any given time.

Workers should be informed of the actions taken to transmit tranquility and serenity to the personnel.
Daily temperature control measures should be taken to control the temperature of all persons entering the establishment (preferably, and if possible, using infrared equipment).

Once these measures have been adopted, work activities may continue with the personnel of the establishment who do not have to comply with the isolation and/or with external replacements if required.

15. Measures for a correct use of mouthguards

They should completely cover the face from the bridge of the nose to the chin.

Wash hands properly before putting on or taking off the mask/face shield.

When donning or doffing, only touch the lace or elastic at the back of the chinstrap/mouthpiece, avoiding touching the front.

If the chinstrap/mouthpiece is reusable, it should be washed before use with detergent at 60° Celsius.

16. Protocol control measures

At the moment of restarting the activities, a person in charge of each area will be appointed, who must hold a previous meeting with the person(s) in charge and teachers in order to review each point of this protocol.

Respect the procedures in an orderly and strict manner, maintaining the corresponding hygiene and safety recommendations that allow safe working conditions.

Incidents, deviations or difficulties in complying with the established measures must be recorded and reported.

This communication should be forwarded to the appropriate person in order to carry out the necessary modifications for its optimization.

Among the possibilities, it is proposed that the Occupational Health and Safety and Occupational Medicine services or the person designated as responsible can periodically verify compliance with the established protocol.
It is convenient that the worker should be trained and advised by the Health and Safety and Occupational Medicine services for the selection of each PPE in case of any contingency.

17. Useful Emergency Telephone Numbers
120 Free 24 Hs. Attention. - 0800-222-1002

City of Buenos Aires | 107 Misiones | 107
Province of Buenos Aires | 148 Neuquén | 0800-333-1002

Catamarca | 0383-4238872 Rio Negro | 911

Chaco : 0800-444-0829 Salta : 136

Córdoba | 107 San Luis | 107

Corrientes | 107 San Juan | 107

Entre Ríos | 0800-555-6549 Santa Fe | 0800-555-6549

Formosa | 107 Santa Cruz | 107

Jujuy | 0800-888 -4767 Santiago del Estero | 107

La Pampa | 02954-619130 Tierra del Fuego | 101/911

La Rioja | 107/911
Tucuman | 0800-555-8478
Mendoza | 0800-800-26843 0800-222-8478



In addition, the following recommendations will be taken into account:

This modality will take place between couples that systematically dance together.

The concept of social or work bubbles will be applied (see points 5.17 and 5.18).

In the case of an exchange of partners, in accordance with the provisions of items 5.17, 5.18 and 7.8, a record shall be kept of the persons who will dance together, prior to the performance.

The Health Affidavit must be kept up to date.

It is recommended that face mask protection be added to the face shield, as established by jurisdictional authorities.


Health Statement COVID-19

First and Last Name:


Place of Residence:

1. Do you have a history of travel abroad? YES | NO

2. Have you had contact with any person sick with Coronavirus 0 suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days. YES | NO

3. You had during the last 14 days or currently have any of these symptoms: fever (37.5 or more), cough, sore throat, breathing problems, anosmia or dysgeusia (alterations in YES | NO taste or smell), headache, myalgia, diarrhea and/or vomiting.

4. Do you have a history of Chronic Pathology (Asthma, diabetes, cardiac pathologies, or any other disease that integrates the risk groups against COVID-19).

I declare that the information provided is correct and I undertake to notify the Medical Service Department or the person in charge of any change in such information.

Argentine Republic - National Executive Branch

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Analia Soledad Cejas
Administrative Assistant

Legal and Regulatory Affairs Manager
Superintendence of Labor Risks
December 2020

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